October 18, 2024

Healthy Clean Dental

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Natural Ingredients for Clear and Healthy Skin

3 min read

Store-bought beauty products often contain toxic chemicals, preservatives and fragrances which can wreak havoc on our health. By choosing natural ingredients instead, however, your skin remains clear and healthy.

Coconut, tea tree and olive oils are among the top natural remedies for maintaining clear and healthy skin. These oils act as antimicrobial agents while helping reduce inflammation.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most renowned natural skin care ingredients, and widely utilized. This plant features in numerous cosmetic products for good reason – its many health benefits make it invaluable.

Aloe vera contains several substances that make its clear gel so beneficial for skin, including glycoproteins and polysaccharides, which aid in healing by relieving pain, inflammation and stimulating growth and repair processes.

Vitamin E oil is also a fantastic moisturizer and anti-ageing treatment, helping combat free radicals that damage skin while simultaneously decreasing wrinkles. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, its effectiveness reduces wrinkles.

It belongs to the Asphodelaceae family and thrives in dry regions throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and America. The plant contains over 75 bioactive compounds including vitamins C & E, beta-carotene and phenolics – and stands out as one of the safest botanical ingredients, without genotoxicity in human fibroblasts or any effect on DNA.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil should be part of every skincare enthusiast’s arsenal, serving as a powerful solution to acne, psoriasis, dandruff and more. Plus, its antiseptic qualities also make it useful as deodorant, mouthwash and bug spray!

Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol, an ingredient which has been scientifically demonstrated to destroy bacteria and viruses that cause illness (1,2).

Oil can help prevent acne by decreasing excess oil production, clearing away dirt and impurities from clogged pores, and inhibiting germ growth on skin. Furthermore, it may clear existing blemishes by killing off bacteria responsible.

Always purchase high-quality pure tea tree oil from a reputable brand (ideally USDA organic certified), that includes its Latin name and country of origin on its bottle. Direct application of raw essential oils may cause skin irritation; for optimal results mix your tea tree oil with carrier oils before applying directly. (2,3)

3. Honey

Honey is a natural humectant that draws moisture to the skin, acting as an effective moisturizer and also helping balance bacteria levels on its surface and heal wounds.

Raw honey, direct from the beehive and not pasteurized or processed, is ideal for consumption, and you can find this variety at health food stores.

Honey can help soothe dry and flaking skin while also clearing and preventing acne. Due to its antibacterial properties, it also works against any bacteria causing breakouts on your complexion.

Honey can be added to a cleanser or face mask for cleansing purposes and as a facial moisturizing treatment, or used as lip balm. Organic raw honey such as our Mirsalehi Bee Garden Oil Blend may even naturally plump and smooth your lips! Additionally, adding it to bathwater provides body moisturization benefits.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil might not be top of mind when it comes to combatting dry skin, but dermatologists and natural beauty enthusiasts are increasingly turning their attention towards it as a solution. Hydrating, rich in antioxidants and packed with fatty acids like lauric acid that nourish and support protective barriers is what sets coconut oil apart.

Zeichner suggests using coconut oil as a carrier oil when adding essential oils to your skincare routine, particularly essential oil blends with diluting agents such as tea tree and lemon grass essential oils. “By mixing coconut oil with the essential oil solution, it helps keep it on your skin longer,” says he.

King cautions those suffering from breakouts to use coconut oil cautiously as it can be comedogenic and cause pores to close up, so start slowly before making a full commitment to this natural product. As coconuts are considered tree nuts, those who are allergic or sensitive should use this product cautiously.

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